Friday, December 11, 2009

Casualty Coverage Insurance

Accident insurance is usually combined with property insurance and often referred to as "property and casualty" insurance. However, there are differences in the types of coverage. This is especially true after the events on September 11, 2001 and hurricanes in 2004-2005.

Property insurance business while ensuring the location of the life insurance business guarantees.

For example, if your business on the seventh floor of a building and natural disasters, such as floods, occur that eliminate the first floor, but did not cause damage to the seventh floor, the loss will not be covered by your property insurance because there is no direct harm to the business location. However, if you have a business continuity or business interruption insurance you may have coverage for indirect losses to your business.

Many of these products developed in the world today. Insurance makes it necessary to perform additional insurance to cover certain types of losses. Coverage of this type include:

* Terrorism Coverage --

Acts of terrorism or war that are not covered by traditional insurance policies - or, so that the insurance claim. Attacks on September 11, 2001, resulted in claims exceeding $ 30 billion. Insurance is now specifically exclude terrorism and terrorism policy requiring purchase.
* Flood Insurance --

Floods are generally not covered by typical property insurance policies and the separate flood insurance policy required to protect against that risk.
* Risk Political or Government Obligations --

If you do business overseas or have government contracts substantially, then you may want to look into the scope of this type. Protect against sudden loss of a sudden because of political changes in a country or the withdrawal of the contract without assistance.
* Other Types --

There are other types of life insurance which seems to be developed as a response to the latest news: Cyber-Liability, Identity Theft, Cyber-Fraud, Employee Theft, and so on.

Some victims may be an important policy for the safe operation of your business. More often though, victims are offered coverage with a standard business owners' policy will be enough scope and type of victims of this policy is a "sense of the moon."

Life insurance also covers some types of bonds or other limited insurance that have long-standing product and may be very necessary for your business.

* Employee Theft and Dishonesty --

This coverage protects your business from loss or damage caused by employee theft. If your employees have access to company funds or handle cash transactions you may want to consider this coverage to employees.
* Surety Bonds --

Form of coverage called a bond victims who will guarantee you a person who contracts with that you will complete the contract. If you are in construction or planned government bidding on the job, then you will be asked to obtain bond insurance to guarantee your job.

Life insurance is a type of insurance is different from property insurance. We will review the various forms of life insurance and how this can work in your business plan.


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